How will you die?

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Every 26 seconds in this world, someone passes away. Death is one of the hugest mysteries in the modern era and with all types of technology, we are destined to find causes.

You've ever wondered how you'll depart here? Take this quiz and you'll find out! If you don't get the result you expect you would, just know that none of us know how we will die, so their is no guarantees.

Created by: kha111
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick a color.
  2. Pick a set of numbers.
  3. Pick a music genre.
  4. Pick a Element.
  5. Pick a shape.
  6. Pick a animal.
  7. Pick a fruit.
  8. Pick a attribute that you value most.
  9. Which would you rather have most of?
  10. Last Question: How was the quiz? (no effect on your results)
  11. The last one, I promise! (no effect on your result) Ready to see how you will die...?

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Quiz topic: How will I die?