how will you die?

so this is about how you will die. this is just for fun so do not take it for a real result. as you guessed [hopefully] no quiz is able to tell you when you will die or anything. do not believe any quiz with real result on it.

this is for fun. please share this to your friends.i will repeat. IT IS FOR FUN!!! these answers are NOT how you will die really. enjoy my quiz and like it.

Created by: googooquizzies
  1. what is your gender?
  2. what would you label yourself as?
  3. what is your pet?
  4. are you fit?
  5. what is your fav food?
  6. where do wanna live?
  7. name your fav place
  8. you hate...
  9. your commonly used emotion is....
  10. you can speak

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Quiz topic: How will I die?

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