How will you die

i hope you just want to do this for fun and remember life is short so you must enjoy your very happy life while you can

this is a quiz for people who are having questions about their life but if any questions are offensive i take full blame for it and am truly sorry for your troubles

Created by: Madeline
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who is with you right this moment
  2. pick am element
  3. do you love your family
  4. who do you need moast
  5. have you ever seen a face in the moon
  6. have you ever heard a scream at night
  7. do you talk on the phone while driving
  8. do you see strange figures at night
  9. do you wet the bed ( sorry if it is kinda mean but many people do it )
  10. do you love your family

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Quiz topic: How will I die