How will you die

Do you ever wonder how you will die? These answers and questions are completely random btw. Mr. Freeman and Mrs. Beauford are some of my teachers, and some of the answers are REVENGE!!!!!!

So what do you think your gonna get? So plz comment about what you think about the quiz. So if you don't like it you shouldn't have clicked on it! Onto da quiz!

Created by: LiviGirl33
  1. Are you afraid of death?
  2. Do you believe in God?
  3. We all knew it was coming..... What's your favorite color?
  4. Are you a sticky kid
  5. Bobobobobobob
  6. What is your favorite activity?
  7. When do you feel best?
  8. What is your favorite food?
  9. Do you think this quiz is stupid?
  10. What do you think my name is?
  11. Totally out of ideas. Ummm...... daubdjjfje!
  12. Plz take my other quiz and my friends quiz.Mine: Are you Demon, Angel, Human or worse My friends: How will you die. Her username is snickerdoodles17 or something like that....

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Quiz topic: How will I die

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