How will I die? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How will I die?
apparently im gonr have a car crash and die lol xx :s
Rim1 -
the first one of mine you may suck to be me i ment to say u may not well sucks to be me
splee!!! im gonna b murdered and i wont evn no wat 4!!!! @ least itl b an intrestn deth....
lol19101 -
Im going to die from boredommmm.....zzZz ZzZ
take my quize it`s called (some fitty wit) go there
yoyoyoie1 -
awesome awesomequiz. the options dont let u no wat ur choosing
thats gay i gunna die og boredum. WAT THE FUC*
ill die in a crash is this crap possibel:( i dont wont to die o by the way hiiiii shayla.c. and (ily sos)
babiekay1 -
I'm gonna die of boredem!!! ^.^
wow a nuclear somethin....
i dont think i'll die of terminal illeness
bee1 -
WTF THiS s--- iS GAYY.
what the hell?i mean how can you die havin sex.what?!is the girl goin to stab u or somethin.thats just plain stuuuuupid.
Lolz..... so true.... boredom sux! xD nice quiz, but hella scared meh.>,<
and btw chugo not every1 believes in god....-_-
Hisuki1 -
no one knows when he or she will die only GOD gives and takes lifes.
chugo1 -
i dont wanna die while having sex
gi gi1 -
Yay!!!...Im gonna sAv a lIf agen!!!Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shadonit1 -
yah a nuclear holocaust hahahah wiat nooooo whyyyy!!!?????? T_T
this quiz is funny as hell
Ilike it -
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horrible, f--- you "GOTOQUIZ".
#gioab---- -
omg i will die of boredom. im rlly bored right now
i got same as goldengirl
MJ IS GOiNg FUeK me?