How will bell tickle you?

Hi this is my first quiz I have ever done so sorry if it is not good. This quiz was inspired by… How will Erin Tickle Thank you so much to the person who wrote it and hope you all enjoy

There might be more quizzes in future so stay tuned!This has to have 150 letters so don’t mind the rest. Hi bill is your welcome to come to join us for help with a free kick to play with your team mates for your help and help for us and your friends come

Created by: Bella 456
  1. Bell wants to tickle your sides for and hour
  2. Bell wants 2 tie you up and tickle your ribs like crazy
  3. Bell wants to play tickle games with you and you think of some games
  4. Are you engoying the quiz so far? (No effect)
  5. Do you like being tickled and where?
  6. Your friends come over and want to tickle your tummy and sides
  7. Your friends and bell have tied you up and are now about 2 tickle your thighs and feet!
  8. How ticklish are you?
  9. Have you enjoyed this quiz?
  10. Do you want bell to be real?

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