How WholeNote Are You?

In early June of 1998, two New York University grad students sat down at the Bendix Diner on the West Side of Manhattan to architect their joint graduate thesis. As an experiment, being both avid guitarists and programmers, they decided to create a unique community-based website to cater to the two strongest characteristics inherent to guitarists: their desire to get better, and their generosity in sharing what they know. The result of this meeting was the conception of the website, and the birth of the remote publishing and sharing of musical instruction on the Internet.

In the summer of 1999, was officially launched, using server space generously donated by the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at New York University. The site was an immediate success, resulting in numerous awards, coverage in Guitar Player Magazine and other industry publications, and being named "Best Community Website" at the 1999 Invision Awards presented by New Media Magazine.

Created by: Debra Jean
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The WholeNote site was started in 1999 as a joint graduate thesis by which two men?
  2. WholeNote was created for what type of on-line community?
  3. Approximately how many members are currently registered at WholeNote?
  4. Which active member has been at WholeNote the longest?
  5. Which WholeNote member has the second highest accumulation of points?
  6. How many WholeNote members are there with more than 10,000 points?
  7. Many members visit WholeNote without participating in the forums. Where is it they go instead?
  8. What is the name of WholeNote's sister site?
  9. What's been the most recent frequent complaint about WholeNote?
  10. 'AAT' is the abbreviation for ...
  11. What is an 'AAT'?
  12. If someone were to 'PM' you at WholeNote, what would they be doing?
  13. What language do you need to learn to add links, graphics and sound to your Homepage, FretBuzz posts and PMs?
  14. According to the FretBuzz FAQs, what are the two most improper topics for discussion in the WholeNote forums?
  15. In which FretBuzz forum are nonmembers able to post?
  16. How do you tell which other members are currently on-line at WholeNote?
  17. Who is WholeNote's infamous Groundhog Day visitor?
  18. What is a 'flame'?
  19. How do you change your name after signing up and realizing your real name was being used instead of your login name?
  20. When visiting Bob K's homepage, what follows your cursor?

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Quiz topic: How WholeNote am I?