How White Are You (PRO)

Do you know how white are you. Check with the pros.ncsbrfsebyufdesbbbbbgfryfvtgybhcftvgyhsdcsdfffsddrftvgyhurcdfvtgbhnhbygvtfftguytfghuytfcgvhbughftgyfgtdfrygcvbfytgy

We can determine for you, greego! fxyeuvfynuxegsydnsuercyusgyedsdvfbgjchesatvbgrychtsyuhfresdfvgybhunjjunhybtrxesrdcfvgbhygtfrdesxdfcgvgftdrctfvgybhuyvftcdrsswexdcrtfgybhuji

Created by: DJP
  1. Do you live in the suburbs?
  2. Do you drink Starbucks?
  3. What time do you eat dinner?
  4. What food do you prefer?
  5. What type of shoes do you wear?
  6. When your food shopping what do you look for?
  7. You had a 90 on a quiz and your semester grade is a 92 what are the thoughts in your mind?
  8. Call it "Dinner or Supper"?
  9. What music do you Prefer?
  10. Have you ever had to do a list of choresEX.Mow the lawnEX.Clean the carEX.Clean the guttersETC.
  11. Whats your first move when you see a bottle laying on the ground
  12. What brand water do you prefer?
  13. Whats your Favorite sport?
  14. How did/do you get punished/grounded
  15. How often do you read books
  16. Have you ever been to Trader Joes, Daves, or Whole Foods?
  17. (FOR GIRLS) Do you own any rainbow print stuff
  18. (FOR BOYS) Do you own 3 or more Camofladge prints stuff

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Quiz topic: How White am I (PRO)
