How well you know Shawn Mendes?

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Here in this quiz you will know how much do you know about Shawn Mendes! The one that being 20 years old is an amazing person and has acomplished a lot of things that he never thought he will!

If you want to know how much do you know about our favorite Canadian singer, stop reading this and answer the quiz! Here you will see how much you know about him!

Created by: Ale Amador
  1. What's his complete name?
  2. When is his birthday?
  3. Does he has siblings?
  4. How many siblings does he has?
  5. His sister's name?
  6. His brother's name?
  7. What was the first song he wrote?
  8. The fisrt song he released?
  9. How was his first album called?
  10. How was his second album called?
  11. How was his third album called?
  12. Did he sang on the Madison Square Garden before?
  13. "We don't care what the people say" is on...
  14. When did he released "In My Blood"?
  15. What Shawn puts first when he prepares cereal?

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