How well you know DotA?

Several people say that they know everything, they are pro, but what about you? You otherwise than just playing, decorate every detail, information, and minimal stuff that could really help you in though situations?

If you wanna really know if you remember well stuff about DotA and that you're a expert try this test on and see if are a dota master, or if you're just an newbie messing around.

Created by: kanashimi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is needed to do a Magic Wand?
  2. Since 6.60, Manta needs what itens do be done?
  3. Wich of this itens doesn't belongs to this list?
  4. Wich of this itens doesn't belongs to this list?
  5. Wich hero doesn't belong to this list?
  6. On oldest versions, Aegis could be done without killing roshan. What item doesn't were part of it's requiriments?
  7. If you aquires an illusion rune, how much damage your illusions will take, and how much will deal?
  8. What color is the Regeneration Rune?
  9. What command can be done only by a player owning an specif hero?
  10. Wich of the following don't give vision of the area it affect's?
  11. Which hero doesn't Belong to this list?
  12. Wich of this itens doesn't belong to this list?
  13. Wich of this itens doesn't give bonus to any stats?
  14. Wich of this itens do not provide any Intelligence?
  15. Wich of the following forms an courrier can't have?
  16. Wich of this following itens doesn't increases your EHP?
  17. What changed from 6.61b to 6.61c?
  18. Wich hero doesn't belongs to this list?
  19. Wich of these heroes could not do an sucessfully BK (Blind Kill) using only Abilities?
  20. Wich of these heroes dosn't belong to a Neutral Tavern?
  21. Wich of those aren't a hotkey of Terrorblade skills?
  22. Wich of those aren't a hotkey of Puck skills?
  23. Wich hero doesn't belong to this list?
  24. Wich of the folowing isn't a name of an item shop?
  25. Wich of this itens doesn't belong to this list?

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