How well would you survive on an alien planet?

There are many aspiring astronauts, but, would all of them be qualified to visit an alien planet? Would YOU be qualified to visit an alien planet? Find out now!

Being an astronaut is not easy, but if you score AMAZING on this quiz, then you've got what it takes to go to alien planets! But, if you get HORRIBLE! Then you should think of a new career!

  1. What color skin would an alien have?
  2. What does "Floober Nibble Neeble" mean?
  3. WJHkdhfjehufs
  4. If the prince of the planet Flabbernimlley invites you to dinner, what should you do?
  5. If you were going to live on planet Gibberna, what color would you dye your hair?
  6. What is the national anthem of Shiminklern?
  7. What should you wear to Nim?
  8. How do you say noodle in Hretninian?
  9. When is the king of Brindley's birth day?
  10. ......,..,.,?
  11. What type of animal do Grenlinians keep as pets?
  12. What planet should you NEVER visit?

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