How Well Would You Get Along With Carson Phillips?

If you have watched the movie "Struck By Lightning", or read the book, you would know that the main character, Carson Phillips, is a pessimistic, intellectual teenager who hates everyone.

That got me to thinking "Would I get along with Carson?" Well, I made this quiz to find out. I hope you enjoy this quiz and I hope your results are to your liking!

Created by: Alex

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is more important to you?
  2. Which theme for a dance would you prefer?
  3. What do you like talking about?
  4. Do you own a "I do my own stunts" shirt?
  5. Which stereotype best fits you?
  6. Which sounds more like your mindset?
  7. How do you feel about school?
  8. How do you treat others?
  9. How intellectual are you?
  10. How much do you care about your future?

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