how well would we get along?

this is a quiz i made to see what i have in common with people across the world.this is just a quiz so dont get to mad if you dont get the best results, but if you do get good results thats great!i have had fun making this quiz and i hope you have as much fun taking it as i had making it but through this hole quiz just remember its just a quis not your life

im defanatly not perfect any any way so once agin dont get mad if you dont getthe best score i have had fun making this quiz and i hope you have as much fun taking it as i had making it but through this hole quiz just remember its just a quis not your lifegood results

Created by: lindsey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your favorite color
  2. your hair is what color
  3. whats your stereo type
  4. are you a partier
  5. are you a christan
  6. what your favorite sport
  7. whats your favorite drink
  8. how many friends do you have
  9. have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend
  10. last question? bye my hoez

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