How well to you know X-men?

Not many people take the time to think about what they just watch, or even if they've nearly memorized it they still don't think about. Sometimes there are a few people who have all the information.

Do you have all the information to be a master at the information on X-Men? Or will you always have to look it up. You can find out in this quiz about the X-Men.

Created by: Fiona
  1. What is Cerebro?
  2. What are Sentiels?
  3. Which person wants to kill humans?
  4. What is the name of the person in the 2nd movie who wants to kill mutants. (2ND!)
  5. Which person can control fire?
  6. Which person is evil. (Easy)
  7. Choose one. (Fate.)
  8. Is this statement true or false? Quicksilver is a mutant that can stop time.
  9. Is this statement true or false? Wolverine is the only one Rouge can touch without gloves for short periods of time without completely killing him.
  10. Is Toad a real person in the movies?

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