How well of a gymnast are you

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So in this quiz you will learn if you are a good gymnast or not if you think you are a good gymnast you can think that even if you get a bad score it's just for fun.

I really hope you like this quiz because it was really fun to make! I hope it makes you want to become better if you didn't get a great score. Or to know that you are a great gymnast cause you got a great rating.

Created by: Lena!
  1. Do you have a trampoline?
  2. Do you do gymnastics classes?
  3. Can you do a back walk over?
  4. Are you flexible?
  5. Can you do a backflip
  6. Do you think you are a good gymnast?
  7. Do you want to be a good gymnast?
  8. How much do you excercise?
  9. Do you know what an Ariel is?
  10. Can you do a handstand?

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Quiz topic: How well of a gymnast am I
