how well does you know albin

Hi this is a quiz I made about myself to see if anybody knows who am I or if I'm just some random dude yapping on discorb with to relations to anyone else. Also I spent like forever on thinking of questions and figuring out how this site works

I want to know whether I'm actually known by many people in this server or not so I'm doing this but also mainly because like 5 people made quizzes today so I made one because I thought it would be fun

Created by: Albin
  1. What gender am i
  2. Who is the bestest mod in my opinion
  3. How do I greet people
  4. Where is my current location
  5. What do I do in discorb
  6. Do I have a pet
  7. What games do I play (pick 1)
  8. Do you know who I am
  9. Which object show is my favourite
  10. Lastly what am i

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