How Well Do You You Know PJO?

How well do you know Percy Jackson and the olympians see how well you know the books with this awesome quiz asking you which even apeared in what book!!!

You'll be surprized in how little or well your PJO books and please don't forget to try out my other quiz "who is your olymian parent" another quiz brout to you by alexis.

Created by: alexis
  1. Which book did chiron reveal who his father was?
  2. Which book did Luke first betray Percy and his friends?
  3. In what book did atlas apear.
  4. In what book did grover go missing for the first time.
  5. In what book was the "flying pigs" released.
  6. Which book did midas appear?
  7. In What book did percys dad stop by at his birthday party.
  8. In what book did rachel first apear in.
  9. In what book did Percy first viset the underworld.
  10. In which book was thalia seen as a person.

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