How well do you really Know Ryan Ball>?

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Thank you so much for taking the genius quiz. If you scored high, congratulations, yours is major league brain. If you scored not so well, hey you can't win them all!"

Created by: Ryan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is my full name?
  2. what is my birthday?
  3. What is my fav color?
  4. What usually happens when you are with me?
  5. What is my Fav soccer team
  6. What is my fav sport
  7. what is my dogs name?
  8. My fav rapper?
  9. My fav food
  10. My Talking bird's name?
  11. what is "my baby"?
  12. what instrument do i play
  13. who is my best best friend at Cba

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Quiz topic: How well do I really Know Ryan Ball>?