what the 8-ball wanted to say

this 8-ball remembers the years of watching people pour their heart out to ask him questions and it answered them vaguely ..after year of not helping it was tossed in the attic to waste away until one day it was removed for a yard sale ...now its really pissed off,bent on destruction and wanting revenge

are you tired of the lame 8-ball you used to play with as a child with the yes ...no....maybe...and the all powerful try again....well this one is a little mad at itself so answer truthfully and it will respond in kind

Created by: fireraven
  1. have you ever owned a magic 8-ball
  2. what kind of questions did you ask it?
  3. if you had one wish what would it be?
  4. how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  5. what would make you the most happy?
  6. what was your favorite part of being a kid?
  7. if you were given enough money to buy one thing what would it be?
  8. whats your role in your group friends
  9. what is your social persona
  10. what to you use the television for

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