How well do you make friends

It does not go with my quiz so here rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr yeah!

Mabey yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyrrrrrrrrrrrrrruyyyyyyyyyyyyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyytrrreeerrtyrtyyyyttyyyyyyyyr yeah!

Created by: Abigail
  1. How many things do you usually have in your life
  2. Are you in middle school and up
  3. Are yo a girl or a boy sorry for asking again
  4. Do you like learning
  5. are you quirly
  6. Are you really close to some school mates if 18 under or 19+Do you have a job
  7. I like calmness
  8. Is this a good quiz
  9. Last question how long have you known your best bud
  10. Sorry about the spelling

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Quiz topic: How well do I make friends