how well do you love simon cowell and know him

you are brilliant with simon cowell it is amazing how much you know well you see i am a alien there was no point of putting that on this paragraugh pleae comment and for fun send me how funny you think i am and that is for boys and girlsthanks ready this is one of my famous jokes why did you go to my quiz because you love me you are my biggest fan

if you have what ity takes to tell everyone ( the whole world ) the power of genius but this is not just any smartness its the smartness of simon cowell even people that dont know who he is please look at my quiz thanks please comment after you take the quiz see ya after the death ride of simon cowell

Created by: billy mitchell
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how high does he wear his trousers
  2. do you every day from your pc print pics of him
  3. how cute is he to you
  4. what shows are he on
  5. does your parents love him
  6. he is to sexy for his
  7. what is your dream with him
  8. what day is he on tv
  9. do you like this quiz so far no effect
  10. do you think simon would love your best mate

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Quiz topic: How well do I love simon cowell and know him