How well do you know your warriors 2

This is a quiz to test your knowledge on warrior cats. If you haven't taken the first quiz, I suggest going back and trying that one first! Hope you enjoy!

After you try this quiz, I want you to look out for #3! It has harder questions. Also, please like and comment, and if you can, tell your friends about this quiz! Have fun! :D

Created by: spottednose
  1. (Special Edition: Firestar's Quest) Who originally had dreams about the SkyClan cats?
  2. (Midnight) What did WindClan do during the green-leaf drought?
  3. (The Last Hope) Why did Spottedleaf stop Mapleshade from killing Sandstorm when they both competed for Firestar's love?
  4. (Fading Echoes) Who tempts Ivypaw into the Dark Forest?
  5. (Fading Echoes) Who blames themselves for letting Longtail die?
  6. (The Sight) When Poppypaw is super ill, Jayfeather/Jaypaw lays next to her. When he wakes in her mind, why is he scared?
  7. (The Sight) Why does Poppyfrost worry about Berrynose?
  8. (Twilight) How does Sootfur die?
  9. (Forest of Secrets) Why does Bluestar not believe Fireheart when he tells Bluestar the tale of Tigerclaw, Redtail, and Oakheart?
  10. (Eclipse) Why does Lionblaze let Sol go?
  11. (Special Edition: Crookedstar's Promise) Who does Crookedstar think Mapleshade is?
  12. (Moonrise) Who did Stoneteller think was the silver cat from the prophecy?
  13. (The Last Hope) Why does Jayfeather wait to tell the others about the fourth cat in the prophecy?
  14. (Dark River) After Lionpaw meets Heatherpaw in the tunnels, Hawkfrost shows up. Why is he angry?
  15. Please take the one that comes before this, How well do you know your warriors? Type that in and it should be the first one. It's by me, Spottednose. Keep watch for How well do you know your warriors 3!! :D

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my warriors 2