How well do you know your song lyrics?

The world is filled with songs...Many of which you probably haven't even heard of before. There are endless types of music, and most people are limited to a select few...

See how you go with this has a smallish variety of song lyrics...basically I got bored after writing the first 10 questions. It's not too hard, and there isn't really any point to this quiz.

Created by: Lisha
  1. Who sings the song to go along with these lyrics: "Bruce Springsteen, Madonna; Way before Nirvana; There was U2 and Blondie; And music still on MTV..."
  2. What is the next line to this song: "Didn't mean to make you cry"
  3. Which song does Ronan Keating not sing?
  4. Do Powderfinger sing a song callled 'Buttons'?
  5. "There are no words left to speak, So if you feel like I feel..."
  6. "And I look over me like a doctor looking for disease, Or something that could ease the pain" Which Missy Higgins song is this?
  7. Who originally sung the song 'Hallelujah'?
  8. Other than 'Grace Kelly', which songs does Mika sing?
  9. 'Girl' is sung by:
  10. Hinder sings:

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my song lyrics?