How Well Do You Know Your Keyboard?

This quiz will have questions about where the keys are, what is next to what, and so on. When I was making this, I actually had to look at my keyboard to see where everything was, so I hope you know it better than I do.

This is only for a QWERTY keyboard. If you have a different keyboard, I hope you are a good guesser. Oh and BTW, DON'T CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Classified
  1. What letter is next to the F?
  2. What letter is next to the P?
  3. What letter is next to the Z?
  4. What letter is next to the J?
  5. How many letters are on the top line, starting with QWER...?
  6. What word can you spell with all the letters being next to each other? (Up, down, diagonally)
  7. What are the first letters of each row?
  8. What number is to the left of the T?
  9. Which of these are next to the BACKSPACE?
  10. What is above the number 8?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know my Keyboard?
