How well do you know your jacksepticeye

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This quiz is for the true bosses! Are you good enough or will you die trying.GOOD LUCK.youll need it.Its very hard.I bet youll just get somewhere between 30 to 80 percent

This is a very accurate quiz all answers here Are me.Anyways break a leg.go at the end of the rainbow and find good ol jack with his pot o gold!

Created by: rych b. beluan
  1. What is Jacksepticeyes real name?
  2. When did he create his channel.?
  3. Where was he born?
  4. How many subs does he have?
  5. When was he born?
  6. What quote can you most associate him with?
  7. Wich person does he hate
  8. Why is his name Jacksepticeye?
  9. Are you a fan?
  10. What does he say in happy wheels
  11. What color is his hair when it was not yet hair dyed. STAY AWAY GRAMMAR NAZIS

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my jacksepticeye