How Well Do You Know Your Friend? Are you a true friend?

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Have you ever wondered how good of a friend you are? Try this quiz and share with it your friends!!! Try to be realistic with your answers because it is about how good of a friend you are no one else!

This quiz is to see if you are a true friend or not. I'm not saying that if you don't get a perfect score you aren't true friends but have fun with this! Remember it is just a trust exercise!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Rylee
  1. What is your friend's favorite color?
  2. Does your friend have a specific best friend?
  3. If you and your friend get into an argument, what would you do if he/she offended you?
  4. Your friend is keeping a secret from you what do you do?
  5. Your friend has a crush and they aren't telling you, what do you do?
  6. Your friend asks you to trust them about something what do you do?
  7. Your friend asks how good of a friend are you. What do you say?
  8. Your friend is hanging out with a new group of friends and you think they don't like you anymore. What would you do?
  9. You find out your best friends crush is with someone else what would you do?
  10. You did it you made it to the end!! How do you feel?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know my Friend? am I a true friend?
