How well do you know your fighter planes?

This quiz covers planes from WW2 on, with focuses on experimental designs and knowledge of different components. This quiz is percentage based, like a trivia game, so come prepared.

Try studying Military Factory in advance so that you come prepared for every possible question, like Why did the ATF program begin and when? This will keep you ready for takeoff.

Created by: i1-e
  1. This single engine experimental WW2 plane was not produced due to poor maneuverability.
  2. Mach 2.15 is the top speed of which of the following jets?
  3. This single engine World War 2 fighter was made for the escort role with a Merlin- Packard inverted v 12 engine.
  4. This fighter set the world record for climb rate during the Cold War.
  5. Which of the following has the WORST maneuverability?
  6. This experimental plane lost to the F-22 in the ATF program
  7. Which of the following was NOT an Advanced Tactical Fighter program submission?
  8. This plane was notorious for being slow to respond in WW2
  9. This German plane was the most mass produced in WW2
  10. Which plane has the most kills to it's credit?
  11. Which of the following is NOT a stealth Fighter?
  12. This plane has swinging wings and appears in the Top Gun films.
  13. What is the cruising altitude for the F-4
  14. This fighter has the longest engagement range in the world
  15. The Pacific plane for WW2 on the Allied side was...
  16. This Japanese dive bomber sank many ships in the Pacific theater.
  17. This fighter was called the F-22ski

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my fighter planes?
