how well do you know your dragons?

there are lots of things that you just can't explain. and for some people, dragons is one of them. so are you one of those people, or are you a dragon genius! this quiz with give you all the answers!

How well do YOU know your dragons. are you up top, or a flop? if you like this quiz, then please recommend it to friends. i would love to make myself heard!

Created by: Cara
  1. if there was a dragon called: the less-a-spotted rainbow crystal dragon, what would it's colour be?
  2. how big are dragons
  3. if a dragon had a sibling ( younger or older) what would symbol that?
  4. how many breeds of dragon are there?
  5. are dragons real
  6. what are the dragon elements
  7. burn fratt broom fra broom!
  8. what happens when you make a dragon cry
  9. do dragons live forever?
  10. do all dragons breathe fire?
  11. can all dragons fly?
  12. are all dragons bad?
  13. ok now, last question do all dragons have bat wings?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my dragons?