How well do you know your Disney movies?

There is 10 questions to answer. How well do you know those Disney movies? I am wishing the best for you to get them all right. Go Go Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Created by: Pz21!
  1. What movie is there a side kick named Meeko?
  2. In the movie "Moana" what is the pig's names?
  3. In which movie does a girl loose her dad and mom?
  4. In the movie "Mulan" what does she drop in the fire?
  5. In the movie "Beauty and the Beast" what color is Belle's dress?
  6. In what movie is there a magic carpet ride?
  7. In the movie "Snow white " what color is the apple?
  8. In the movie Shrek what is the donkey's name?
  9. In which movie is there two dogs that share a noodle?
  10. In what movie is there there a mean lady named Cruela Deveil?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my Disney movies?
