How well do You know your best friend? (pettyclearpunsters)

In this Quiz you will test how well you know your friend. You can make there day by showing them your results or try again and see if you just made one mistake.

See how well you know your friend or how well someone else knows your best friend. If you are in an argument with someone about who is the better friend, TEST THEM!

Created by: Alicia Haynes
  1. If they had to choose one of these colors which would it be?
  2. How old are they?
  3. When is there birthday?
  4. Which would they choose?
  5. What is there name?(this is for the creator)(first and last)
  6. Do they smoke?
  7. how long have you known them
  8. what animal would they pick?
  9. do you know there spirit animal?
  10. would you request this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my best friend? (pettyclearpunsters)
