How Well Do You Know Your Best Friend?

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We all think that we know everything there is to know about our dogs. However, do you really know them like you think you do? We beg to differ. Take this short quiz to test your knowledge of your best friend.

Do you know your bestfriend like the back of your hand? Well take this quiz and see just how much you do or do not know about him or her. Also, look for more funny videos and quizzes on: [no urls]

Created by: Dogs Life
  1. Normal adult dogs have how many teeth?
  2. True or False: Dogs can only see in black and white.
  3. What is the most popular dog breed in the US?
  4. Through what part of the body do dogs sweat?
  5. hat is the tallest dog breed?
  6. What is the most common training command taught to dogs?
  7. What is a dog's most highly developed sense?
  8. About how many pet dogs are there in the U.S.?
  9. Puppies are delivered how many weeks after conception?
  10. What dog is said to yodel, not bark?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know my Best Friend?