How well do you know your 12 Olympian gods

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Created by: Shadow of How well do you know your 12 Olympian gods
(your link here more info)
  1. Who is the father of the six first gods
  2. Who is the mother of the first six gods?
  3. Who is the queen of the gods?
  4. Who is the god of the seas,horses,earthquakes?
  5. How does Hephaestus get his revenge on Hera?
  6. Who is Feta cheese the god of?
  7. Who is the eldest god of the 12 Olympians
  8. Who was one of Zeus and Hera's kids
  9. How does Kronos kill Ouranos
  10. Who were the baby's dat went into Kronos's gut

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my 12 Olympian gods