How well do you know WWE?

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WWE is really entertaining. People all over the world have watched the shows. There are really strong people that can do a lot of damage on the shows. They can even break bones!

Do you wathch WWE? Do you know the simple things like the current champions and the superstar approvals from the WWE universe? Well, in just a few short minutes you can take this easy test and find out in just a few minutes!

Created by: catgirl7778

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. John Cena is_________.
  2. Wrestle Mania is ________.
  3. Raw comes on _________.
  4. Smackdown comes on ___________.
  5. Wrestle Mania XXX will be in _______.
  6. ________ is the most popular superstar out of the choises.
  7. Kaitlyn, the diva is from _______, Texas.
  8. Usally, Big Show is ________.
  9. On 5/24/13, _________ is the WWE champ.
  10. On 5/24/13, _____________ is the World Heavyweight Champ.
  11. On 5/24/13, _____________ are the tag team champs.
  12. On 5/24/13, __________ is the United States champ.
  13. On 5/24/13, __________ is the Diva's Champ.
  14. On 5/24/13, ___________ is the Intercontenental champ.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know WWE?