How Well Do You Know World War II?

The Second World War. It was said that the first one would be "The war to end all wars", but they couldn't have been any more wrong.

That being said, not too many people are very knowledgeable about it. They say that "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" ...will you repeat history? Find out!

Created by: Nunya
  1. The Second World War began in September of the year _____.
  2. World War II began when Adolf Hitler went mad with power and began invading other countries. Which country was the last straw that started the war?
  3. The U.S did not want to join the war, but ultimately did when what country attacked them out of nowhere?
  4. True or False: FDR was the President of the United States throughout the entirety of World War II.
  5. Which leader likened "appeasement" (giving Hitler what he wanted) to "[F]eeding a dragon hoping it will eat you last"?
  6. What country switched sides in the middle of the war after an unexpected betrayal?
  7. Hitler's first "loss" occurred when ____ successfully fought back against an unexpected aerial attack from his air force.
  8. D-Day, an invasion led by future president Eisenhower in 1944, took place in what country?
  9. Approximately how many Jewish people were killed in Hitler's massive genocide, known as the "Holocaust"?
  10. Why did Hitler kill himself in April 1945?
  11. The Nuremberg trials were a series of court proceedings where captured senior Nazis were forced to answer for their crimes. Which of the following leaders was NOT sentenced to death?
  12. Which of the following captured Nazi prosecuted in Nuremberg expressed genuine sorrow and shame for what he had done?
  13. What country was bombed not once, but twice by the United States, leading to the end of the war three weeks later?
  14. True or False: the decision to drop the atomic bomb was made hastily by FDR.
  15. True or False: General Eisenhower thought that Truman's decision to drop the atomic bombs was wrong.
  16. The war officially ended on what day in 1945?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know World War II?
