How well do you know WNP

So many have tried and so many have failed. Are you smarter than a 5th grader? can you take this quiz and be proud of yourself that you know WNP and everything you need to know?

Are you a WNP genius? well lets see what you got, take this quiz and find out where you stand. Are you WNP worthy or are you not? do you need to hit the books?

Created by: Abbas

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  1. Porting isn't instant. From moment of before the CTN is fully active on our network. How much time is required?
  2. After 6:20 PM LOCAL time, activation times are moved to the Next day. This is an industry standard. If a request is submitted after 6:20 PM and confirmed, the minimum time the activation will occur what time the next day.
  3. port request can be submitted and confirmed even if WNP is closed. What time does it the WNP close? The network, on the other hand, never sleeps.
  4. WNP cannot cancel a port out. Who can cancel a port out?
  5. WNP does NOT do activations directly for customers. We provide activations assistance to agents and retail representatives who must call on the customers behalf. WNP can cancel a temporary number AFTER the ported number has been...
  6. WNP cannot see the information on another carriers billing system. We do not know what the other carrier's
  7. All CARES users have the ability to look at a port request. If there is an open port request on a BAN, it can be accessed by clicking on Number Portability Request / BAN. The Response Tab is the most important tab on any port require
  8. The three most important port related questions to ask a customer before starting a port-in are these:
  9. Once a number has ported out and is active with a different provider..
  10. WNP is here to assist with all aspects of the porting process, which can be very complex and confusing at times to the best of us. If you have a question about any porting aspect

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Quiz topic: How well do I know WNP