How well do you know Winnie the Pooh? (Disney)

Winnie the Pooh is one of my favourite franchises and certainly my favourite Disney franchise. I always believed that I knew quite a bit about it, but there is always more to learn.

How much do you know about the Winnie the Pooh franchise? Are you a big fan? Just for your information, I will admit that I have NOT actually read the books (though I have them, as my dad kept them from when he was a kid), almost all the questions are based on the films. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Created by: Allie
  1. What year was the short film,, "Winnie the Pooh the and the Honey Tree" released?
  2. Which Winnie the Pooh character(s) never appeared in A.A Millines books?
  3. What was the cartoon that ran new episodes from 1989-1991 called?
  4. Where was the bear that Pooh was based on ORIGINALLY from?
  5. Who was Tigger's original voice actor?
  6. Which of these characters never breaks the 4th wall in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh?
  7. Which character listed here does not appear in the film "Pooh's Grand Adventure"?
  8. In Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, who's house does Eeyore give to Owl?
  9. Now, a question about the TV series! What was the name of the bird that Rabbit adopted in "Find Her Keep Her"
  10. Okay, one more about the TV series, and I promise that is it for those question! Which of these is NOT the name of an episode in the 1989-1991 TV series?
  11. Which character in Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore is originally NOT welcome at Eeyore's party?
  12. In the Winnie the Pooh movie in 2011, what was the name of the character who allegedly captured Christopher Robin?
  13. Which character wasn't one of the real Christopher's Robin's stuffed animals?
  14. Who (apparently) steals honey?
  15. Which book was Tigger introduced in?
  16. How does Tigger get down from the tree in "Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too?"

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Winnie the Pooh? (Disney)

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