how well do you know wings of fire?

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hello fellow quiz takers and makers, my quiz will tell you all about how well you know wings of fire. (mostly the queens!) i am positively sure that if you studied a lot,

and with luck that you might do even better than me on this quiz, good luck, and do not forget to have fun!! :) P.S. the art is not mine if the owner is not happy i will take it down immediately. thank you! :)

Created by: isabella
  1. who is the current queen of the hivewings?
  2. who was the last known queen of the leafwings?
  3. who is the queen of the silkwings?
  4. who says this: will-my tribe would fall over laughing at me now.
  5. what prophecy is about fleeing a continent?
  6. who is the dragon who had frostbreath down her throat?
  7. are you liking this quiz so far?
  8. who says this?: use your magical death spit
  9. choose one:
  10. who is the night wing queen?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know wings of fire?
