how well do you know wings of fire?

this is my first quiz so don't judge, this is a quiz to test your knowledge on wings of fire, do you know your facts? or are you not a true fan wing? i don't know, take this test and see. thank you for taking my quiz.

answer the questions then see your results at the end, hope you know wings of fire well enough to get 100%, enjoy my first quiz!!!!!! i hope you like it, also please comment if I did well or not.

Created by: foulkesa9158
  1. who was the main character in book one?
  2. in book one, who is to be killed when Morrowseer arives
  3. who gets chained up when clay gets sent in the river
  4. who is the main character in book 2?
  5. in book one, who captures the dragonets?
  6. in book two, who does anemone kill with her animus powers?
  7. in book 2, who does tsunami fall in love with?
  8. who is the main character in book 3? (this is my favourite one)
  9. how many queens do the rainwings have?
  10. who does glory pick when she chooses her team for the royal challenge of the throne?
  11. who are the dragonets of destiny?
  12. who was the main character in book 4?
  13. what does starlight tell sunny that he has always wanted to tell her at the end of the book?
  14. how does blister die?
  15. how does burn die?
  16. how does blaze die?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know wings of fire?
