How well do you know Wings of Fire?

Hello! This is my Wings of Fire knowledge quiz! Um... It says it in the title. Thank you so much! That is, if your gonna take the test... Never mind. Enjoy!

This is my first quiz, sorry if it's bad. Um... That is pretty much all I have to say! Um...... Have a good time taking my test! Say in the comments if it was decent!

Created by: AmazingAssasin
  1. Who are the five dragonets of destiny?
  2. Who are the dragonet's guardians?
  3. How old are the dragonets when they escape?
  4. How many tribes are on Pyyrhia?
  5. In Wings of Fire, what are humans called?
  6. In Wings of fire, who is Darkstalker?
  7. Who is Clearsight?
  8. Who is Fathom?
  9. How does Kinkajou defeat Darkstalker?
  10. What is the lost continent called?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Wings of Fire?
