How well do you know Will Treaty from Rangers Apprentice?

Hi there. This is my first quiz so I’m sorry if it’s not perfect, I’m a big John Flanagan fan. I love his books, they are amazing. Hopefully you do good and get a good score.

Or you do terribly and get a bad score. If you haven’t read them yet you should. Also I’m sorry about this I was trying my hardest. Good luck. And good bye.

Created by: Tabitha
  1. Who’s his father?
  2. Who raised him?
  3. Who did he marry?
  4. Who did Will mentor?
  5. Who was his horse?
  6. What was his horse’s code phrase?
  7. Which one of these people did he grow up with?
  8. Who was his mentor?
  9. What is his nationality?
  10. What was his first assigned fief when he became a full Ranger ?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Will Treaty from Rangers Apprentice?

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