Which Harry Potter Character Am I?

Which Harry Potter Character Am I? In this quiz, you can accurately find out! There are 10 questions! Once your done, comment and click that happy face rating

In this quiz, you could get: Harry Potter | Hermione Granger | Ron Weasley | Voldemort | Draco Malfoy | Or….DOBBY | Hope you enjoy this quiz…and START NOW!!!

Created by: Wednesday Addams
  1. Which Hogwarts House are you in?
  2. Use 1 word to describe yourself!
  3. What is your gender?
  4. How old are you?
  5. Who would you have a crush on?
  6. How would OTHERS describe you?
  7. What’s your hobby?
  8. Where do you like being?
  9. What role in the Quidditch Team would you have?
  10. Finally, what type of Wizard/Witch are you?

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