How Well Do You Know Washington?

The difficulty of some of these questions I would put up there all the way to extreme. Google won't even answer some of these correctly, see for yourselves!

Here I inquire a few questions about my favorite state, to see if you have your facts up to date. I went all out, so you better give me a shout. Have a wonderful day as they say.

Created by: WashintonLover4Ever
  1. What is the biggest natural lake in Washington?
  2. What is the most populous island in Washington? (bonus fact, the answer is so obscure Google won't even answer it properly! You have to actually search up how populated the (insert correct answer) is.
  3. What mountain range is NOT in Washington?
  4. What percentage of Washington is undeveloped? (this is natural recourse recreation land) Hint: It's a surprisingly large amount!
  5. What is the biggest lake in Washington? Hint: This means it doesn't have to be natural
  6. What is the tallest mountain in Washington?
  7. What is the biggest city in Washington? Hint: Some of these aren't real cities!
  8. Who is the richest person in Washington? (Fun fact, for some reason Google doesn't get this one right either!) Hint: Some of these people don't live in Washington!
  9. What city has the most billionaires in Washington? (Bonus fact, this city also has the most billionaires worldwide, with eight billionaires!)
  10. When did Mount Saint Helens erupt?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Washington?
