How Well Do You Know Warriors?

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Hello! This quiz will test your knowledge for Warriors. Your memory will be your strength and your smarts. If the questions that you get asked are too hard its okay to guess.

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Created by: Norahthewarriorsfan
  1. What was the main character Firepaw's Housepet name?
  2. What where the five clan's names?
  3. What was Thunderclan's first leaders name?
  4. What was the prophacy sent to Firestar in The Darkest Hour by Bluestar
  5. In The New Prophcy who are the six cats that go to the sun-drown-place?
  6. At the Skyclan camp where does the clan meet to have meetings, naming ceremonies, and to introduce new cats to the clan?
  7. In Power of Three who were the actual parents of Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze?
  8. In the graphic novel what was the name of the mean housecat that Greystripe runs into?
  9. What was the tribe that Firestar and the other clans meet in the mountains?
  10. Last Question! In Omen of The Stars who trained Ivypaw in the Dark Forest?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Warriors?
