How well do you know warriors?

Hello! I am Turtlnose, and this is only my second quiz so I hope you enjoy! I tried finding somewhat hard questions for this quiz, but also not too hard. Please don't cheat in any way, but if you do I guess there's nothing I can do about it.

Well, thank you again for doing my quiz, I hope you enjoy, and have a great day! This quiz has 12 questions. The rest is just to fill in the charecters.Mshdbxhsmshsjwsjshehndh

Created by: Turtlenose
  1. What are the names of Mapleshade's kits?
  2. Who is/was Flashnose?
  3. What is the third book of the fourth series?
  4. Why was Leafpool's suffix 'pool'?
  5. °^~True or false time!~^° Whitestorm's parents are Bluefur and Tistleclaw
  6. Arc 9 is coming out in 2025
  7. Bristlefrost is related to both Bluestar and Firestar
  8. Micah is the father of Moth Flight's kits
  9. °^~My personal opinions its okay if you don't get them right~^° Rootfrost is the best ship
  10. Jake X Talltail should have been an official couple
  11. Mothpool is a terrible (TERRIBLE) ship
  12. Mapleshade got what she deserved

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Quiz topic: How well do I know warriors?
