How well do you know Warrior Cats?

Do you like reading warrior cats and are up for a challenge? Well, here it is, the ultimate warrior cats quiz! After answering 10 questions, you will be given your score, determining whether you are a true warrior cats fan or not!

I really hope you enjoy this quiz! However, it does contain spoilers, so if you are new in the series I recommend not taking it. See you later!!!!!!!!

Created by: Hazel
  1. Who are Graystripe's two mates?
  2. Who is Tigerstar's mother?
  3. Who is Tigerstar's father?
  4. Who is Firestar's father?
  5. What was Pinestar's warrior name?
  6. Who was the first cat to discover that Pinestar was visiting twolegplace?
  7. Who was Thunderclan's leader before Pinestar?
  8. What was Russetfur's Rouge name?
  9. Who did Leafpool name Jayfeather after?
  10. Who was the first warrior that Firestar made?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Warrior Cats?
