How well do you know warrior cats?

In this quiz I will test your knowledge of warrior cats with a quiz with questions of different difficulty to see how well you really know the books. nice job

This quiz will be a good tester for you and I really just want to fill up space sp blahblahblahblahblah very very very very very well done and filling space

Created by: hello
  1. Who are Bluestars kits?
  2. Who is Firestar's mate?
  3. Who were the Thunderclan cats who went to the sundrown place?
  4. Who were Graystripes mates?
  5. What is Midnight?
  6. What was Firestars kittypet name?
  7. What was the omen that told Ciderpelt that Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw would destroy the clan?
  8. Was the omen correct?
  9. Who was the first forest cat who met Rusty?
  10. Who came to Firestar in his dreams?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know warrior cats?
