How well do you know volleyball?

There are many smart people, but few volleyball smarts. Volleyball is one of the hardest, fastest, and loudest sports. Someone who plays volleyball needs genuine ability, the training, and the passion to play.

Are YOU a volleyball prospect or are you a cheerleader on the sidelines. Until you take the quiz, you'll never know. But, when you take this quiz, remember to have fun.

Created by: Jade
  1. How many times can you hit the ball on one side before putting it over?
  2. How many people are on a court at once on one side?
  3. Roughly, how big is a volleyball?
  4. Is your p---- wet? Or is your c--- hard?
  5. Which of these companies provide shoes and apparel?
  6. Which one of these companies provides volleyball?
  7. Is volleyball an Olympic Game?
  8. If someone gets a touch on the block, is that counted as a touch?
  9. What is the designated passer called?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know volleyball?