How Well Do You Know Vocaloid?

How well do you know vocaloid?? Well find out here!! some of the questions might be way to easy..-_- But, enjoy the quiz!! (spins leek) ^w^ OwO XD :D

Are YOU A real Vocaloid fan....are you worthy of achieving the leek?? (LOl idek) WELL THEN GET THA LEEK AND BECOME A MASTARR OF THA QUIZZ!!!!!!~ Desu..OwO

Created by: Jonathan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many vocaloids are there?
  2. "sekai de ichiban ohime sama.."
  3. Which of these is NOT a real Vocaloid?
  4. Which of these songs is NOT sung by a vocaloid?
  5. What is Luka's character item?
  6. Who is the official derived character of Hatsune Miku?
  7. (completely random question) So...what's on your mind right now??
  8. Who is your favorite vocaloid?
  9. which of these is not a character item to any of the Vocaloids
  10. Last Question....Is Kasane Teto a Vocaloid?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Vocaloid?