how well do you know vampires

vampires. they suck the blood of the young and terrorize small villages. but how much do we really know of these creatures of the night? can you decipher my quiz and maybe even gain some knowledge about my favourite demon?

are you vampire crazy? how much do you know about these dukes and duchess's of the night? take this quiz and find out!! LONG LIVE ANIME FREAKS AND VAMPIRES!!! YAY!!!!!

Created by: kerushii
  1. ok, first a simple one. what do vampires eat?
  2. what happens to vampires once they are exposed to sunlight?
  3. who wrote the best vampire book ever?
  4. what weapon would you mosat likely take into a vampire apocolypse?
  5. which two movie series r the darkest vampire series ever?
  6. how do u get turned?
  7. do vamps have fangs?
  8. which name is most vampirey?
  9. what sort of music do vampires generally listen to?
  10. situation: a vampire says he wants to kill u, what do u do and say?
  11. final question. was this quiz ok? it was my 1st in ages!! [does not effect scores]

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Quiz topic: How well do I know vampires