How well do you know vampires

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Hey. Yeah I'm talking to you do you know about vampires we'll take this test if you do you can make me one ok? Alright then it's a deal right. Ok you do your part cause I'm doing mine

You made the deal right? Then take the quiz I made it for you and your not doing your part of the deal. Oh you are um akward ok carry on I'm so sorry I really am

Created by: Emowoman
  1. What do vampires drink
  2. What color is a vampire's hair
  3. What is a vampire's skin color
  4. Do you believe in vampires
  5. Do you believe in vampires
  6. Do you believe in vampires
  7. Do you believe in vampires
  8. Do you believe in vampires
  9. Do you believe in vampires
  10. Do you believe in vampires

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Quiz topic: How well do I know vampires
